RSA 2022 Recap

Adaptive Shield Team

After 2 years of virtual events, RSA Conference 2022 in San Francisco brought back face-to-face interaction. And wow, what an experience! From live sessions and parties to games and demos galore, RSA was packed with it all. Here’s a recap of Adaptive Shield at RSA.

Maor Bin’s Session: The SaaS RootKit: A New Attack Vector for Hidden Forwarding Rules in O3650

Our CEO, Maor Bin took the stage at RSA to speak about a new SaaS vulnerability discovered by Adaptive Shield security researchers, within Microsoft’s OAuth application registration. Bin took the audience through a live demo of the vulnerability and demonstrated how it allows anyone to leverage the Exchange’s legacy API to create hidden forwarding rules in O365 mailboxes. But it didn’t stop there.

Bin’s Session was followed by a Birds of a Feather talk where he and a handful of security experts dove deeper into the vulnerability and its implications.

CSA Panel: Aligning Cloud Risk with Business Risk

The CSA panel was made up of our CEO Maor Bin, CSA Global Vice President of Research John Yeoh, A10 Networks Vice President of Product Management Mikko Disini, Lacework Global Field CTO Chris Pedigo, and Orca Security Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder Avi Shua. These leaders in cyber security discussed the risks organizations face in today’s digital world and whether security teams are properly supporting business transformation decisions. The panel dove into questions like, what are the challenges when tracking cloud and other digital assets, etc. It goes without saying that this session was insightful and thought provoking.

Global Infosec Award 2022

During RSA, Cyber Defense Magazine celebrated its 10th year of Global Infosec Awards. Cyber Defense Magazine shares cutting edge knowledge, real world stories and awards on the best ideas, products and services in the information technology industry.

We were thrilled to have Adaptive Shield named a winner of the 2022 Global InfoSec Awards as the Next Gen in SaaS/Cloud Security.

Adaptive Shield Booth

Over the 4 days at RSA our booth greeted many friendly faces. Our experts were always up and ready to chat with visitors and talk about SaaS security, SSPM, and give a live demo of the Adaptive Shield platform.

Everyone that visited our booth had the chance to play our game “How Fast Can You Fix Your SaaS Stack?”, where we tested people’s speed and knowledge to see who could configure 20 settings in under 30 seconds.

Players that got a score of 85% or higher got their pick from an assortment of games or toys, and our grand prize winner, Erick Binti, with a perfect score of 100% received a mini Apple speaker.

Torq Demo

Our partner Torq joined us at our booth to give a demo of our paired solution. Torq is a no-code platform that’s purpose-built for security automation. Together with Adaptive Shield, Torq streamlines the deprovisioning process through automation, lifts the burden of manually auditing and deactivating accounts, and provides continuous visibility and control to increase the organization’s SaaS security posture.

FOMO Party with Incubus

To top off the hard day’s work, Adaptive Shield co-sponsored the FOMO party with a live performance from the band, Incubus. With rock-out music, glowing bracelets, and tasty food, the FOMO party was definitely the place to be.

RSA 2022 was a great way to bring back in-person events and we are looking forward to  seeing what next year has in store.

About the writer

Adaptive Shield Team

Businesses today run nearly every facet of their operations using a wide array of interconnected SaaS apps. Adaptive Shield’s team is here to keep you informed as well as help you secure your SaaS estate.